Become a Sponsor
Your financial support enables ILASS to continue its high-quality conferences, technical meetings, networking opportunities and student awards. Additionally, sponsorship funds are used to subsidize student conference registration fees and provide student travel awards to attend ICLASS conferences.
ILASS-Americas is a very efficient, non-profit organization; our directors, meeting organizers and program chairs all donate their time and we are committed to keeping our meeting costs low and providing excellent value for our attendees. We significantly reduce the registration fees for graduate students. Therefore, our continued success in providing high quality, affordable meetings critically depends on your support.
Sponsorship provides your company extra visibility when you will be hiring from the pool of those people with expertise in spray science and technology. In addition to getting exposure of your company’s name to the ILASS membership, your sponsorship will ensure the continued advancement of atomization and spray processes by supporting a group of professionals committed to research, collaboration and knowledge-sharing. There are several levels of sponsorship available. You can choose to support ILASS through a general sponsorship or you can target your support to a specific annual meeting event.
We are a congenial and welcoming community. Your company’s support, through sponsorship is well noticed and appreciated by all attendees. Relative to many technical societies, our meetings are rather intimate and you and your company’s support will be noticed.
This year you can fund the sponsorship with an online payment or via check if you prefer.
The Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems annual conference brings together practitioners and researchers from many areas where spray technology is utilized. Applications include: gas turbines, rockets, and diesel engines, agricultural and industrial sprays, fire suppression, paint and coatings, and many others. This breadth of spray applications provides cross-fertilization of research methodologies and innovative efforts. This technical community embraces the synergy of experimental, theoretical and computational models to advance the technology and science.
950 members: ILASS members are from industry, national laboratories, universities, consulting organizations and other organizations with interests in spraying and atomization.
ILASS members meet annually at a technical conference; other communication occurs year round through newsletters, the ILASS-Americas web site and message forums.
General: $1000, $1500 and $2000
Event: $1000, $1500, $2500 and $5000
Major: $7000 and above
Christopher F. Powell, Ph.D.
Principal Research Scientist
Energy Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439 USA
Phone: 630.252.9027
ILASS-Americas is a very efficient, non-profit organization; our directors, meeting organizers and program chairs all donate their time and we are committed to keeping our meeting costs low and providing excellent value for our attendees. We significantly reduce the registration fees for graduate students. Therefore, our continued success in providing high quality, affordable meetings critically depends on your support.
Sponsorship provides your company extra visibility when you will be hiring from the pool of those people with expertise in spray science and technology. In addition to getting exposure of your company’s name to the ILASS membership, your sponsorship will ensure the continued advancement of atomization and spray processes by supporting a group of professionals committed to research, collaboration and knowledge-sharing. There are several levels of sponsorship available. You can choose to support ILASS through a general sponsorship or you can target your support to a specific annual meeting event.
We are a congenial and welcoming community. Your company’s support, through sponsorship is well noticed and appreciated by all attendees. Relative to many technical societies, our meetings are rather intimate and you and your company’s support will be noticed.
This year you can fund the sponsorship with an online payment or via check if you prefer.
950 members: ILASS members are from industry, national laboratories, universities, consulting organizations and other organizations with interests in spraying and atomization.
ILASS members meet annually at a technical conference; other communication occurs year round through newsletters, the ILASS-Americas web site and message forums.
Types of Sponsorships and Levels of Financial Support
General: $1000, $1500 and $2000
Event: $1000, $1500, $2500 and $5000
Major: $7000 and above
- Recognition on our annual meeting web site. Company name, logo and a link to your web site
- Public “thank you” during the annual conference for your sponsorship
- Recognition on the CD cover and printed book of abstracts distributed at the annual conference
- Signage acknowledging your sponsorship at meals/receptions
- Participation in the “sponsor’s corner” of the exhibit hall where you can make literature available to conference attendees and interact with conference attendees, including students.
Contact Information
Principal Research Scientist
Energy Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439 USA
Phone: 630.252.9027