November 25 (11AM EST), 2024
Hong G. Im
Towards H2ICE: Characterization of Hydrogen Injection, Mixing, and Combustion
Recorded webinar:
Abstract: Hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engines (H2ICE) have great potential for future
carbon-free transportation but have not yet reached production due to a number of
technical challenges. One of the most important issues is the design of hydrogen
injector systems that achieve rapid mixing to fuel-lean mixtures while also ensuring
stable combustion without combustion anomalies such as pre-ignition and knocking.
The ILASS community has been at the forefront of research on liquid injection
systems and is now encouraging needed research on hydrogen injection. This
presentation will provide an overview of ongoing FUELCOM4 project with KAUST
and Saudi Aramco in an effort to enhance our knowledge in hydrogen injection,
mixing, and combustion characteristics by utilizing high fidelity laser diagnostics and simulations. First, hydrogen jet injection and mixing characteristics are investigated in high pressure constant volume chamber experiment with accompanying
simulations for validation. Jet penetration and dispersion characteristics depending
on different injector configurations are examined. Recent development in advanced
laser diagnostic technique to quantify the hydrogen fuel distribution is also
discussed. Finally, parametric studies of the effects of jet dispersion and mixing on
engine combustion characteristics are presented.