Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - North and South America.
Prof. Rolf D. Reitz |
The fourth annual conference of ILASS-Americas was held on May 21-23, 1990, at the Sheraton Hartford Hotel, Hartford, Connecticut. Conference attendees visited the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Wilgoos Facility and the United Technologies Research Center on May 21. These facilities are well equipped with a large variety of particle sizing instruments and other combustion diagnostics. The ASTM subcommittee E29.04 on Particle Size Characterization held its meeting in conjunction with the conference on May 23-24. The conference was attended by 130 registrants with 8 exhibits by manufacturers of spray equipment and instruments. 34 papers were presented in 5 technical sessions and there were 13 poster papers. The papers covered performance data on a variety of atomizers, instrumentation techniques, spray modeling and other applications. A limited number of copies of the book of abstracts from the conference are available upon request from Harold Simmons (Parker Hannifin Corporation, 17325 Euclid Avenue, MAIL STOP: 2051, Cleveland, OH 44112-1290) (price $20). Thanks are due to Dr. Jan Kennedy and Ms. Doris Zimmer of UTRC for their efforts in organizing the conference and the hotel arrangements. ILASS-AMERICAS THIRD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING At the business meeting held in conjunction with the conference the amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws required by the IRS were voted upon and approved. These amendments were required so that ILASS can be officially recognized by the IRS as a not-for-profit organization. The Chairman reported that ILASS now had 216 members. Persons interested in membership should contact H. Simmons (Parker Hannifin Corporation, 17325 Euclid Avenue, MAIL STOP: 2051, Cleveland, OH 44112-1290). Cost of membership is a one-time fee of $20 and newsletters are mailed only to registered members. Members also have the benefit of a reduced subscription to the Atomization and Sprays Journal. The completion of ILASS-Chairman, H. Simmons, term of office has brought about several changes in the ILASS Board of Directors. Prof. N.A. Chigier will now serve as ILASS Chairman. Prof. G.S. Samuelsen takes Prof. Chigier's place as ILASS Vice-Chairman, and Dr.W. Bachalo will serve out the remaining four years of Prof. Samuelsen's term. In addition, Dr. R. Tate and Prof. E. Crosby were reappointed to the Board of Directors for six year terms since their previous terms had expired. Copies of the Minutes, Amended Constitution and the revised Directory will be mailed to members shortly. ICLASS-91 AT NIST, WASHINGTON, DC The Fifth International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, ICLASS-91, will be held July 15-18, 1991, at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland (near Washington, DC). ILASS members are urged to submit completed manuscripts to Prof. A. Lefebvre (School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, U.S.A.), Papers Chairman, by November 15, 1990. Poster Papers of work in progress must be received by March 15, 1991. The Conference Proceedings will be published in a NIST special publication. Local arrangements for the conference are being made by Dr Hratch G. Semerjian (Center for Chemical Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, U.S.A.). Members of ILASS are requested to encourage vendors of equipment and instruments to contact Dr. Semerjian to make arrangements for exhibits at ICLASS91. ILASS-92 AT THE SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES, CA. No ILASS-Americas meeting is scheduled for 1991 because of ICLASS-91. The ILASS Board of Directors has decided to hold the 5th Annual ILASS conference (1992) at the Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA. The Conference Chairman will be Dr. C. Edwards (Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, 94551-0969). The Sandia Labs are well known for contributions in the areas of spray and combustion diagnostic development and application. ATOMIZATION AND SPRAYS JOURNAL The Atomization and Sprays Journal will begin publication in 1991. This major new quarterly will feature original research papers, review papers, book reviews, and editorials reporting on experimental and theoretical investigations of the physical phenomena occurring in the breakup of liquids and the development of sprays. Areas covered will include multiphase flow in atomizers; disintegration of bulk liquid; ligaments and large drops; particle size/velocity/number density distributions; spray characterization; instrumentation for making detailed measurements of spray quantities; numerical analysis for predicting variations of spray properties; spray combustion of liquid fuels; evaporation; cooling; coating; humidification; dust suppression; agricultural spraying; metrology; medicine; and powder metallurgy. The success of Atomization and Sprays depends on 1) submission of a sufficient number of high quality papers to complete 4 issues of the journal per year and 2) a sufficient number of library subscriptions to make the journal financially viable. Research Papers (3 copies) should be sent to Prof. N. Chigier (Editor, Atomization and Sprays, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213). Subscription rates for the Journal are: Libraries $135 p.a. and individual members of ILASS $35 p.a. Subscriptions should be sent to: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, c/o Taylor & Francis, 1900 Frost Rd., Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007-1598. Our greatest challenge is to get the ball rolling for papers and library subscriptions. Thereafter, the success of our journal will be guaranteed. NEWS FROM OTHER ILASS ORGANIZATIONS ILASS-Japan: Prof. Nobuki Nagai (Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University, Aoba, Aramaki, Sendai-shi, Miyagi 980, Japan) has been elected Chairman of ILASS-Japan. ILASS-Europe: Prof. K. Bauckhage (Universitat Bremen, Fachbereich Productionstechnik, Postbach 330 440, West Germany) has been elected Chairman of ILASS-Europe. ILASS-Europe held its Sixth Annual Conference in Pisa, Italy July 4-6, 1990. Information about the conference is available from Dr. M Graziadio (ENEL- CRTN, Via A Pisano 120, 56100 PISA, Italy). FORTHCOMING EVENTS ASTM E29.04 Subcommittee Meeting on Liquid Particle Characterization will be held in Tempe, Arizona, in November, 1990. All persons interested in the subject should contact ASTM Chairman, Dr. J. Tishkoff (AFOSR/NA, Bolling AFB, DC 20332-6448). The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) will hold a symposium on Aerothermodynamics in Combustors at the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. June 3-5, 1991. The paper deadline is September 30, 1990. Information about the conference can be obtained from Prof. J.H. Whitelaw (Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7-2BX, England) or from Prof. R.S.L. Lee (c/o T.S. Wung, Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10764, Taiwan, R.O.C.). |