Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - North and South America.
Editor: Prof. Rolf D. Reitz |
ICLASS-91 AT NIST, WASHINGTON, DC The Fifth International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, ICLASS-91, was held July 15-18, 1991, at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The meeting was a great success with 246 attendees from 20 countries. Thanks are due to the conference organizers, Dr Hratch G. Semerjian and his coworkers at NIST, and to Professor Lefebvre of Purdue University who was the Papers Chairman. 100 papers were given on subjects that included engine sprays (diesel, rocket, spark-ignition, and gas turbine engines), basic processes (such as jet and sheet disintegration and novel methods of atomization), instrumentation and diagnostics, evaporation and mass transfer, modeling, and the atomization of special liquids such as polymers, molten metals, slurries, and cryogenic liquids. Other papers covered a wide variety of applications, ranging from paint sprays to electro-aerosol deposition in human airways. Copies of the book of Paper Abstracts are available from Dr Jan Kennedy, MS 16, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT 06108 (Phone: (203) 727-7582) at a cost of $50. The Annual General Meeting of ILASS was also held during ICLASS-91 and the minutes of that meeting are given below. Minutes of ILASS Annual General Meeting ILASS Chairman, N. Chigier, convened the Annual General Meeting at 5:15 pm, July 17, 1991. He announced that ILASS-Americas currently had 248 members and that much of its recent activity had been devoted to organizing the 5th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems Meeting. ICLASS-91 was attended by 246 registrants with 10 exhibits by manufacturers of spray equipment and instruments. 100 papers were presented in 16 technical sessions and there were 37 poster papers. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the 4th ILASS-Americas General Meeting at Hartford Connecticut, and was passed unanimously. The treasurer, W. Haney said that his report was not available due to outstanding costs incurred in the preparations for ICLASS-91, but that a surplus was expected. He also announced his intention to resign his position as ILASS treasurer as of January, 1992. The Chairman announced the appointment of J. Kennedy as the new treasurer, and H. Simmons to fill the vacancy on the board. The membership secretary position (previously held by H. Simmons) is now to be held by G. Samuelsen who will maintain a membership mailing list that will include a data base. It was announced that details of these changes will be sent to ILASS members with the next ILASS Newsletter. The Chairman announced that ILASS-92 will be held May 18-20, 1992 in California and will be organized by C. Edwards of the Sandia National Laboratories. He also requested that suggestions be made about a site for the ILASS-93 meeting. It was also announced that the number of papers in each issue of the Atomization and Sprays journal will be increased to reduce the backlog of papers accepted for publication. Members were encouraged to subscribe to the journal. The suggestion of including the subscription cost in conference registration fees was raised and no objections to this idea were voiced. The meeting attendees expressed their thanks to Hratch Semerjian and the staff at the National Institute of Standards and Technology for their efforts in making the ICLASS-91 meeting so successful. A motion to adjourn was made at 5:35 pm by A. Orr (seconded by W. Haney). The motion was carried unanimously. Signed _______________________ Rolf D. Reitz, Secretary ILASS Journal, Atomization and Sprays ILASS members are urged to persuade the libraries of their institutions to subscribe to Atomization and Sprays . Annual subscription rates are $35 for ILASS members and $135 for institutional libraries. ILASS members are also urged to consider the journal, Atomization and Sprays, as the first choice for submission of manuscripts for publication in an archival journal. It has the advantage of being read by all experts in the field and those who are interested in learning about atomization and sprays. Over 80 papers have been submitted to the Journal so far. Three issues of Volume 1 have been published in 1991. Three copies of manuscripts should be submitted to the editor, Dr. N. Chigier, Mechanical Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, U.S.A. ILASS-92 AT THE SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES, CA. The 5th Annual ILASS conference will be held at the San Ramon Marriot Hotel, San Ramon, California on May 18-20, 1992. The Conference Chairman will be Dr. C. Edwards, Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, 94551-0969 (phone: (415) 294-2008). The meeting will include a tour of the U.S. Department of Energy Combustion Research Facility at the Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore that are well known for contributions in the areas of spray and combustion diagnostic development and application. Aerometrics, Inc., will host a tour of its research and development facilities in Sunnyvale, California on the first evening of the meeting. Manufacturers of spray equipment and instrumentation will exhibit their products at the meeting. Papers and posters are being solicited on subjects dealing with atomization and spray processes. Abstracts must be submitted by December 16, 1991 to Lee Dodge, Program Chairman, ILASS-Americas 92, Southwest Research Institute, P.O. Drawer 28510, San Antonio, TX 78228-0510 (Phone: (512) 522-3251). ASTM E29.04 Subcommittee A reception was held on July 17, 1991 in conjunction with ICLASS -91 to commemorate the Fifteenth Anniversary of the ASTM E29.04 Subcommittee on Liquid Particle Characterization. The next meeting will be held at the Suffern Holiday Inn, Suffern, NY on 14-15 November, 1991. Contact Committee Chairman Thomas Bassett (Bete Fog Nozzle, Inc., 324 Wells Street, Greenfield, MA 01301 Phone: (413) 772-0846 for details about the meeting. ICLASS TANASAWA AND ILASS MARSHALL AWARDS William Bachalo, Alejandro Brena DeLa Rosa and Roger Rudoff of Aerometrics, Inc., were the recipients of the ICLASS-88 Tanasawa award for their paper entitled "Advances in Diagnostics for Complete Spray Characterization". This award was established by ICLASS to recognize Dr Tanasawa's achievements in the field of atomization and sprays. Michael Winter of the United Technologies Research Center was awarded the William Robert Marshall award for his paper at ILASS-90 entitled "Measurement of the Temperature Field inside a Falling Droplet". This award is in memory of Dr. Marshall (1916-1988) who made many contributions to the field of sprays. The awards were both made during the banquet at ICLASS-91. |