ILASS - AmericasInstitute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - North and South America. Editor: Prof. Chris F. Edwards |
CHAIR'S MESSAGE The ILASS-97 Annual Meeting will be held at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa, Canada: The meeting is hosted by the National Research Council (NRC), Canada in Ottawa, Canada. Greg Smallwood of NRC has arranged the beautifully flowered setting, an impressive agenda, and a tour of NRC for this Tenth Anniversary of ILASS-Americas. We will be touring the NRC of Canada's Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology. You will be receiving the meeting announcement shortly or look at the ILASS-97 WEB page ( . Please put the date on your calendar and join us for our tenth meeting in Ottawa Canada where the Canadian Tulip Festival will be in full bloom at this time. The 7th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems or ICLASS-97 meeting will be held in Seoul Korea: ICLASS 97 For more information call me or look at our ILASS-Americas WEB page ( We are deeply indebted to Steve Londerville and Scott Drennan of Coen Burner Company in Burlingame, California for the remarkable success of the 1996 Annual Meeting held on Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. Each year ILASS-Americas seems to outdo itself and improve the meeting in one way or another. This meeting was no exception! In my opinion the personal interactions and relationships that were developed during the four-day meeting were exceptional. Part of the success was obviously the marvelous location of the meeting at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, and another part was the physical layout of the meeting and dining rooms, poster papers, and exhibit booths. We need to thank Scott Drennan, the Meeting Chairman, for his time and effort and to thank Coen for its generous gift of Scott's time. Although only a few of us took advantage of the Coen tour, I was very impressed with the technical advances and CFD modeling currently being undertaken at Coen. The other significant highlight of the meeting was the number, quality, and variety of the papers and posters. The two tutorial topics on Sunday evening, i.e., Spray Modeling led by Rolf Reitz and Statistical Quality of Spray Measurements led by Chris Edwards, were well attended and a big success in setting the tone and tenor for the rest of the meeting. The three invited lectures on Russian liquid propellant injectors, polydisperse spray structure in combustion, and atomization challenges facing the gas turbine injector industry provided an excellent insight into the respective spray applications. Josette Bellan has been our Program Chairperson for the past two years, and we must thank her for her tremendous effort and success. We, with Jim Drallmeier's help as our next Program Chairperson, hope to carry on with Josette's momentum and look forward to Josette's participation as the Meeting Chairperson for the ICLASS-2000 Meeting to be held in Pasadena, California. I would also like to acknowledge Scott Samuelsen and Jill Tolliver for their interest and effort as Secretariat of ILASS-Americas and for setting up our WEB Page. Please look at the WEB page ( and give us your comments! We plan to update the WEB page every month and use it to supplement the ILASS Newsletters. I accepted this position of Chairperson of ILASS-Americas with a bit of apprehension, but with a great deal of excitement. The excitement comes from having been associated with ILASS-Americas from its beginning and having worked under Scott Samuelsen as his Vice-Chairperson for the past three years. Our previous Chairpersons have been Harold Simmons, Norman Chigier, and Scott Samuelsen, and under their leadership the spirit, strength, diversity, and vitality of ILASS-Americas has undergone tremendous growth. With your help and the help of our officers, Board members, and Technical Committee Chairs, I want ILASS-Americas to continue this remarkable growth during the next ten years of its life. I would like to continue the growth in our meeting attendees from 130 to 200, strengthen the diversification to areas of agriculture and spray drying while supporting the interests in spray and combustion in gas turbines, automobiles and boilers, and strengthen student participation and encourage tours. The current ILASS-Americas officers are:
Members of the ILASS-Americas Board of Directors are:
ILASS-Americas is a growing and vibrant organization. We welcome any ideas, and if you want to become more involved, please speak to me or one of the officers or Board members. We are looking forward to seeing you and perhaps your family in Ottawa, Canada in May of 1997. Jan Kennedy Chair, ILASS-Americas ILASS-96 HELD IN SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA The Ninth Annual ILASS-Americas Conference was held May 19 - 22, 1996 at the Hyatt at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. The meeting had 119 registrants. Three invited papers, sixty-two presentation papers, and nine poster papers were given on subjects that included: Coatings and Materials, Atomization and Spray Modeling, Performance of Spray Systems, Agricultural Sprays, Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, Atomization Measurements, and Reciprocating Engine Sprays. Thanks are due to Scott Drennan and Steve Londerville (Local Arrangements), and Josette Bellan (Papers). Copies of the Book of Abstracts are available at a cost of $75 each from the ILASS Secretariat at the Mechanical Engineering Department, U.C. Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717-3550. Please make checks payable to ILASS-Americas. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING OF ILASS-AMERICAS The Annual Business Meeting of ILASS-Americas was held during the conference banquet on May 21, 1996 at the Hyatt at Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, California. Chair Samuelsen opened the meeting by giving a brief history of ILASS-Americas and citing its new web page: He noted that ILASS-Americas began in 1987 in Madison, Wisconsin but has rapidly grown to 634 members over nine years with a 50% increase occurring in the last three years. He also noted that we are one of three ILASS regional organizations in the world: ILASS-Americas, ILASS-Europe, and ILASS-Asia. Chair Samuelsen then introduced Prof. Hiroyasu, chair of the International Council of ILASS, the Board Members of ILASS-Americas, and its Executive Committee. The minutes of the previous ABM (May '95) were read by the Secretary and approved following a motion by Steve Londerville. Chair Samuelsen recognized those who had contributed to the success of the conference. These included Josette Bellan for her two years of service as Papers Chair and Scott Drennan for his work as Local Arrangements Chair. Scott Drennan then expressed his thanks to all of his associates at The Coen Company for their assistance in making the conference a success. Chair Sameulsen continued by noting that the 1997 meeting will be held in Ottawa, hosted by Greg Smallwood and the NRC Canada. Greg Smallwood then gave a brief overview of the meeting and noted that the 19th is Canada day so that rooms must be reserved early. Treasurer Reitz reported that the ILASS treasury currently holds assets of $37,873. He noted that it was ~$4k higher than the previous year due to proceeds from the Troy conference. The Treasurer's Report was approved following a motion by Steve Londerville. The student presenters and invited speakers were recognized and thanked for their contributions to the conference. Presentation of the Marshall Award for the best technical contribution to ILASS-95 was made by Josette Bellan to Uri Shavit and Norman Chigier of Carnegie Mellon University. A new Best Student Presentation Award was made to Lisa Nemecek of the University of Missouri-Rolla. Norman Chigier, editor of the journal Atomization and Sprays, then commented on the status of the journal in its 6th year and encouraged ILASS members to have their institutions obtain library subscriptions. Chair Samuelsen then reported on the untimely death of colleague Dwight Senser. He noted that Dwight brought a special spirit to ILASS and was an inspiration to us all. Elections of new Officers and Board members were held. Jan Kennedy, chair of the nominating committee, noted that the committee was composed of himself, Greg Smallwood, Will Bachalo, and Julian Tishkoff. Nominees for Officers were: Rolf Reitz (Vice Chair), Will Bachalo (Treasurer), Chris Edwards (Secretary). Nominees for Board members were: Rudy Schick, Jim Peters, and Doug Talley. The slate of nominees was elected following a motion by Steve Londerville. Chair Samuelsen then thanked retiring Board member Roger Tate for his very special contributions to the technology of sprays, ASTM, Delavan, and ILASS. He noted that Roger was a founder of ILASS and had served on its Board since that time. He then announced that Roger has been selected as an Ex Officio Member of the Board, joining Hal Simmons and Arthur Lefebvre who were selected for this honor in 1992. New chair Jan Kennedy closed the meeting by thanking Scott Samuelsen for his three years of service to ILASS, noting that Scott had been the lifeblood of the organization for those years. He then presented a plaque to Scott to commemorate his achievements. The Annual Business Meeting was adjourned following a motion by Steve Londerville. Signed _______________________ Chris F. Edwards, Secretary SEVENTH ICLASS CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN SEOUL, KOREA The Seventh International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS-97) will be held at the Swiss Grand Hotel in Seoul, the capital city of Korea, on the week of August 18 to 22, 1997. Scientists, engineers, and others interested in atomization and sprays are invited to attend and participate in this triennial international event. Please see the conference announcement enclosed with this newsletter. ADVERTISEMENTS Short Course on Spray Technology Atomizer design; atomization of liquids, colloids, and polymers; measurement of drop size, velocity, temperature, number density, and flux; laser diagnostic techniques, imaging diffraction, phase Doppler; computer modeling of sprays. Lecturers: Dr. William Bachalo, Aerometrics, Inc. for further information, contact: |